Blockager is a virtual asset trading company that assists in the buying and selling of digital blocks between users. As the demand for blocks increases, blocks will also naturally increase in value. This creates a stock market-like effect which can result in both long-term and short-term gains or losses.


Brand new block stack drops in...


How Blockager Works

When digital blocks are created, they are created in groups of 64 blocks. This group is called a block stack. Each block in its block stack should be valued the same. The value is based on the average selling price of all blocks in that block stack and the current demand for blocks.

This is very similar to how a real estate agent would estimate the value of a home in a neighborhood of identical homes. The home would be valued based on past selling prices and the housing demand in that certain neighborhood. Like real estate, Blockager has a natural upward price trend. However with Blockager, profits can be seen even for short-term investors.

Anonymous Bitcoin Investing

We believe in anonymity at its very core. So much so that we do not even ask for your email address. Our platform allows you to anonymously invest by using Bitcoin. Simply load your account using Bitcoin, invest to your heart's content, and withdraw back to Bitcoin once you made some cash.